Sunday, September 14, 2014

Southern Zipper Cream Peas

1 lb – fresh shelled peas
5 to 6 – slices of bacon cut into small pieces
1 – small onion chopped fine
2 cloves garlic minced
1 tsp red wine vinegar
salt and pepper to taste

Make sure all the undesirable peas have been picked out - rinse remaining peas

In a large pot, brown the chopped bacon and onion.
Once the onion is soft and the bacon has rendered some of its fat, add the garlic but be careful that the garlic does not burn.  Add the rinsed peas to the pot and let the peas cook in the bacon fat for a few minutes, mixing occasionally.

Add enough water to cover the peas. Bring to a boil. Let the peas boil for a minute.

Reduce the heat and simmer on low for 30 to 60 minutes until the peas are tender.

Add the salt and pepper and vinegar and let cook for a few more minutes for flavors to develop.

Serve in a bowl and enjoy your southern treat.

Recipe from